Sunday 29 May 2016

Hinduism in brief

So someone asked me a question lately - Traditionally, Can Hindus wear leather ?

A very curious, hypocritical, debating & misconception question indeed.
I am obliged to answer this question but I must not answer it in a simple Yes or No.
To begin with Id like to tell somethings about Hindu religion which is highly conceptualize
d by other religions or the world.
Hinduism is a religion but more of a way of Life like Taoism I can say. If we consider it as a way of Life then Geographically every Indian is a Hindu but obviously not religiously Hindu.
Hinduism does not prohibit killing of animals yet everything, be it living or non living has to be considered sacred. We believe that everything is God's & there is a sacred aura of the God in everything. Its similar to the phrase- "We all are made up of star dust"
Hindu metaphysics & Quantum Mechanics can be compared.
So if we talk about killing an animal for our needs, protection or any other thing which is highly necessary, then we can but yes its like jeopardy or we need to think that is killing any being is necessary ? or we can find some not harming ways. Yes, there are always alternatives.
So Hinduism conveys us a message of minimal harm to any being on this earth.
Now the concept of leather. I personally think using leather is like comforting ur greed and greed is bad, universally accepted. Look around the world, ppl r banning leather products.
If ppl r living on remote areas where vegetation is rare during snow, then ppl have to kill animals for protein. because this is a thing of survival. So killing here to eat, to survive, to remain healthy is pretty much ok. But killing an animal for one's leisure is not at all ok.
smile emoticon

Another thing Id like to highlight is Hinduism is monotheism but because of wrong preachings, it is looked as polytheism. Even Yazidism whom ISIS are killing & earlier Zoroastrianism, Parsi ppl of India follows Monotheism but portrayed as Polytheism or Pagans who worship false gods. God is One in Hindsuism, Zoroastrianism & Yazidism.


  1. Well said Karan! Beginning with grains that do not have life down to fish and mutton (that are very much live) etc everything forms a part of food-chain of the Hindus. It is more a priority list rather than craving list. The thrust is on avoiding violence to all beinga so far as possible. When the cruelty is a way of life, the children grow up seeing violence all around. Many of them use their own brains and do not let it cast any shadows on their being and values; whereas the weaklings fail to and end us being violent. It may be reiterated that the thrust is on values and, accordingly, we see that even the so called vegeterians devoid of saner values end up being violent. When the cruder values are shed and subtler values are adopted; one masters the art of peaceful co-existance which is a must for every society.

  2. Very true sir ! Thanks for reading and sharing your views :)
