Wednesday 14 September 2016

EID & Concerns

As Eid has passed, thereby giving a reason to speak out for animals, though I avoid eating meat & dairy, especially buying in order to reduce the demand from MARKET where meat & Dairy. It's not of religious sake but of market sake just to earn money. When it comes to money, ppl don't remember their religions, be it a hindu or muslim. Cows are sacred to Hindus yet they exploit it by torturing cows by impregnating them with artificial insemination (rape), not letting her calf to drink milk, leaving them to eat from garbage, & many more but the problem arises when a muslim man eats the cow. Cmon atleast that person is not considering cow as some holy & sacred or calling the animals as his mother (maa). Here is the irony.
Now I jump to eid. Abraham was to pass a test by allah where he has to sacrifice his dear most (son, ismail) he agreed and he passed test & allah sent him a sacrificed goat. This is a metaphorical lesson like in hindu scriptures.
I won't condemn sacrificing a goat or any animal on eid because they nurture the animal, feed it, care for it and they eat it (no exploitation). And animals are being killed every day, so eid is not the day for a discussion.
So my main goal is to tell my friends that either turn into a pure vegetarian if eating meat is not required & u are eating only for taste or atleast eat organic where animals are not being exploited.
Milk, it's proven by science that is not very much healthy, not for bones as well. It's just a dairy hype for the sake of market.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you compared it and made ppl to think about it..👌🏼
